- Righetti Ridolfi Active Airbox (Non-Homologated) by IKP.
- This Righetti Airbox is ideal for high-horsepower 2-Cycle karting applications
- "Active" design encourages high-volume airflow through airbox and will flex slightly internally as air volume and flow rate increases for optimal engine performance.
- **NOTE** This airbox is no longer in active homologation! That means if you use this in a karting competition, you may void technical compliance!
- A new, updated Active airbox is coming to the United States soon.
- 2-Piece construction allows for easy disassembly for cleaning or filter replacement.
- Comes as complete air box unit, with filter and intake plenum option of your choosing.
- Available in a variety of colors, with additional individual components available.
- Choose from airbox color: Red, Blue, Black
- Choose intake plenum (air horn) size: 23mm or 30mm Inner Diameter (ID)
- Support brackets, replacement air horns, and rain cover available and sold separately.
Metal Support Bracket Ideal For: High-horsepower, shifter-kart or TaG applications support bracket for active airbox (CIK/FIA approved) IAME, vortex/KZ, ROK, parilla.
Rubber Connection Boot (No Inclination) Ideal For: High-horsepower, shifter-kart or TaG applications intake plenum boot (CIK/FIA approved) IAME, vortex/KZ, ROK, parilla.
Rubber Connection Boot (45Deg. Inclination) Ideal For: High-horsepower, shifter-kart or TaG applications angled intake plenum boot (CIK/FIA approved) IAME, vortex/KZ, ROK, parilla.
Rain Cover Ideal For: High-horsepower, shifter-kart or TaG applications rain cover to active airbox (CIK/FIA approved)
IAME, vortex/KZ, ROK, parilla.