Throttle Cables (Packs of 10)

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  • Regular price $10.00
  • 2 available
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  • Throttle Cables of various sizes for various applications!
  • Take your time when researching this part, as the throttle cable length, ball / barrel end diameter, and thickness of cable can change drastically depending on the intended application!
  • Each option is available as a pack of 10 cables.
  • Available in various lengths with various fitting options:
    • 54" length x 0.192" or 96" length x 0.192" ball-end cables are great throttle cable for many 2-cycle kart applications with 'butterfly-style' carburetors.
    • 76" length x .120" barrel-end cable is excellent for throttle-slide applications, such as Briggs & Stratton engines, or Rotax.
    • 55" length x 0.215" or 97" length x 0.215" ball-end throttle cables are also good for 2-cycle kart applications, but fit different throttle slides, likely more robust, high-performance carburetors that require a larger leverage point for throttle opening or closure. These have been discontinued so available while supplies last.