Acculevel Caster / Camber Gauge

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Acculevel Caster / Camber gauge for racing karts by Longacre racing. This system is ideal for measuring the caster and camber angles of your racing go kart's spindles when the kart is on the ground. With an integrated digital screen, zero-ing ability, and the ability to measure caster inclination as well as camber, this tool is a step above standard alignment tools within the motorsports world, opening up new areas of discovery for the racer. 

Manufactured from billet aluminum and finished in a red anodize, this gauge is both functional and stylish. A digital read-out with back-lighting integrated into the gauge makes all measurements easy to record view. 

This tool utilizes a threaded adapter to affix to the end of the kart spindle. Metric or standard (SAE) thread sizes are available to make this gauge work with all makes and models of karts! 


Each Acculevel gauge reads caster and camber angles to 0.1 degree, and can measure caster angle as high as needed - other gauges don't do this! Each gauge comes with a threaded M14 adapter to fit on the spindles of your kart, and a silver carrying case, padded internally. 

The digital angle finder can be removed from the threaded adapter, and used to measure suspension angles or additional measurements of inclination that might be of interest to racers. 

Technical Details

  • Camber / Caster Accuracy: Within 0.1 Degree
  • Measuring Range: + / - 90 Deg from calibration (zero-ing value)
  • Bolt to Adapter size: 5/16 - 18"
  • Standard Threaded Adapter Size: 5/8"
  • Metric Threaded Adapter Size: 14mm