AiM MyChron Optical Lap Receiver

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  • Regular price $116.00
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AiM MyChron Optical Lap Receiver. This cable and accessory connects to the MyChron 4 system to receive optical triggering from an external trackside lap beacon, causing your MyChron to read lap times. It can also be used to collect split times.


MyChron's optical sensor is designed to detect an external beacon via infrared and trigger a lap time based on that. The sensor is directional, meaning it must be pointed towards the trackside beacon in order for it to work.

Cable Length and Connection

**For almost all users, select the 90cm w/Binder Connection Option**

Point Karting can order this sensor in multiple configurations. For almost all racers, the 90cm length with Binder Connection is going to be the correct choice. This uses a 712-style Binder connector that mates directly to the back of the MyChron 4, MyChron 5 w/ Expansion Pack.

The other sensor lengths and connection options are for those that may have a plastic sensor patch cable (usually used for a water sensor), or are in need of extra length of the sensor.

Installation Tips

To properly install this sensor, make sure the receiver is at the top edge of the front nassau panel / fairing and facing the direction of the trackside beacon. That is to say, the beacon should be facing where the trackside beacon is (driver's left or right).

An integrated hole for an M5 screw makes bolting this to the fairing quite easy.

Please note: This is a special-order item. Please allow some extra time for fulfillment of this sensor.