Copper Banjo Fitting Seals

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Copper washers / seals for Banjo Fittings for Go Kart braking systems. An often over-looked, yet critical component in many DR Kart, CRG, and Zanardi braking systems! This banjo fitting seal goes between the master cylinder or caliper and the banjo fitting itself.


The banjo fitting seal is designed to crush and form a tight seal between the main brake line fitting (with banjo end) and the master cylinder or brake caliper on CRG, DR Kart, Zanardi, CKR, and CRG-esque brake systems. Each fitting requires this copper seal to properly perform.

Each seal is sold separately. Most brake systems on rear-brake only karts that need these seals need (3) total. Front brake systems (shifter karts) will need 6 total.

Banjo Fitting Seals
Ideal For: DR kart, CRG, Zanardi