MyChron Mount Spacer

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Aluminum mounting spacer for the MyChron 5 and MyChron 4 kart data loggers. Designed to compensate for the distance between the Kart Master steering hub support and the logger unit on certain steering wheels.

This mount spacer is milled from solid aluminum, and features a spacer length of 30.0mm or 35mm. This helps fill the gap between where a driver may want their MyChron to be versus where the Kart Master data gauge spacer bolts into relative to the steering wheel.

A drilled channel into the spacer accommodates the main threaded support of the logger, and an adjacent threaded hole accepts a M8 bolt that then bolts to the data logger support arm. In this manner, the spacer is able to both connect to the MyChron itself and the steering hub support.

Each spacer is sold separately, and is available in anodized black aluminum.