NA2 Side Pod - Right

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  • Regular price $103.00
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Side Pod NA3 / NA2 Kart Bodywork. For DR Kart, CKR, CRG, and many more! This side pod protects the driver in side impacts, and displays the number panel and graphics, and keeps other karts from tangling with you. Aerodynamic design and light weight makes this perfect for your kart!


The NA3 bodywork is the latest homologation from the CIK / FIA for the "new age" bodywork type. For years, the NA2 bodywork was the standard - if you have a kart with an NA2 side pod (pre 2018), don't worry! The NA3 side pod will fit your kart just fine, even your sticker kit will fit just fine from NA2 to NA3.

Each side pod is available in black, and does not come with additional mounting hardware. The side pod does come with integrated steel bushings on the underside that aid in securing the side pod to the side pod nerf bar, which as tabs within which (2) M8 bolts fit to secure the side pod to the nerf bar.