NEK Modulate Seats

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  • Modulate Kart Seats by NEK USA
    • A relatively new player in the seat market, the NEK Z2 modulate seat is an innovative answer to some common challenges for karting seat manufacturers. Each seat features Carbon-Fiber inserts in critical areas, adding strength around mounting points to prevent seat fracture. However, this reinforcement doesn't bind the seat or prevent chassis function during cornering, leading to a best-of-both-world result in terms of seat durability and performance.
  • Each NEK seat is available in a variety of stiffnesses:
    • Standard: The seat option for most karts in most conditions, this seat features a standard amount of seat flex, with integrated modulate 'berglass' inserts of carbon fiber to reinforce mounting areas.
    • Hard: The Hard seat stiffness is ideal for very short drivers, or those that are heavier than average. The stiffer seat allows for more lateral weight transfer (as opposed to torsion), while also providing more resistance to body motion in the kart. For most drivers, this seat may not be the ideal choice.
    • Hard Plus: This seat is likely the extreme end of the seat stiffness for most drivers, and not ideal for low-horsepower applications. However, a hard plus seat will provide significantly more grip while limiting chassis flex in low-grip applications.
  • Select NEK seats are (see diagram) available with different rear-plane inclinations:
    • Seat Sizes "A" (A1, A3) 30 Degree: This seat is available in only 30 degree Inclination. This is the standard cadet seat inclination for NEK modulate seats.
    • Seat Sizes "B" (B0, B1, B3, B5) 32 Degree: This seat is available only in 32 degree inclination. This is the standard Junior and small Senior size inclination for NEK modulate seats.
    • Seat sizes "C" (C1, C2, C3, C5) 32 Degree: Ideal for most adult or medium-size junior karters, this NEK inclination option is common among karting seats, and provides a relaxed, yet upright seating feel. This rear seat inclination positions the driver close to the standard seating position for most karts.
    • Seat sizes "C" (C1, C2, C3, C5) 34 Degree: Ideal for most adult or medium-size junior karters, and applications where rear traction and grip are more necessary, or a driver wants a more 'laid back' seating position feel.
    • Seat sizes "D" (D1, D3, D5, D7) 34 Degree: This seat is ideal for most large adults, and is available with 34 degree inclination only.
    • Seat sizes "E1" 34 Degree: This seat is the largest NEK makes for adults, and is available with 34 degree inclination only.