Brake Bias Adjuster for 4WP Systems

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Righetti Brake Bias Adjuster for Front-Brake systems on racing go karts. This brake bias adjuster, model KB066 is perfect for the Righetti Speed E2 2WP and 4WP brake systems, noted for their signature clear brake fluid reservoirs on the master cylinders. An easy-adjust knob makes altering the brake bias using this system a cinch and super-accurate due to an easy to read series of graduated marks along the bias adjuster face.


Adjusting the brake bias of your front-brake equipped kart is crucial for proper braking and handling performance! The KB066 system makes adjustment perfect, built to suit the demands of even the most demanding drivers.

This adjuster connects to a dual-master-cylinder system, ideally the Righetti E2 2WP or 4WP master cylinders, but will work with just about any master cylinder setup with parallel master cylinders.

The adjuster weighs in a just 182 grams.

The adjuster comes as a complete unit, with adjuster slider, knob, brake rod clevis attachments, and threaded attachment integrated for the main brake rod.

KB066N-brake bias system complete
Ideal For: shifter karts (w/dual master cylinders)
The righetti E2 2WP brake bias system